In this empty space you can see in the picture, a few years ago there were two impressive skyscrapers over 1000 feet high.
I will always remember because the first time I was in New York, I stayed at the "New York Vista Hotel", which was located exactly between the two towers, which dwarfed it with its mere 22 stories to the towers' 105. My friend Javier surely remembers. I arrived at the hotel at 11pm and went directly to sleep, so the first thing I remember from New York is the following morning, getting out of the hotel, look up, and see these two towers that climbed up to the clouds like two infinite columns.
That day, the clouds were really low, and the top of the towers was higher than them. If you look carefully at the picture, the dark part at the top of the tower is the shadow of the clouds. To make it worse, the two towers were spectacular because they were completely straight. If you go to the Empire State, it's not that impressive from the ground because the building is staggered, only the central part is really high, but the two towers were completely vertical. You could stand right next to the tower and this monster would climb and climb, and it would look like it was going to fall on top of you.
Well, as everybody else, I will never forget September 11th, 2001, how I spent all day glued to CNN seeing the Towers fall...