English version

This is the text-only English version of the Spanish blog Noches de Harlem. To see pictures and other multimedia files, and to leave comments, please go to the Spanish version.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dr. Seuss

Today I went for dinner to my friend Aldo's house. Aldo is Chilean of Italian descent, and we did our PhDs together here in Salt Lake, we shared an office for four years. After many misadventures he ended up leaving mathematics and now he works in a biology company, but he still lives here in Salt Lake with his wife Laura and their daughter Giuliana (age almost five).

After dinner we read a few Dr. Seuss books to the kid. [And now I go on a lengthy explanation about Dr. Seuss' books, which are virtually unknown in Spain, and which I will spare my American readers, who probably know more about Dr. Seuss than I do.]