English version

This is the text-only English version of the Spanish blog Noches de Harlem. To see pictures and other multimedia files, and to leave comments, please go to the Spanish version.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bumper stickers

Here in the US there is this long-standing tradition of bumper stickers, that is, stickers you put in the back of your car to declare your opinions on something, politics, religion, or whatever. Here's an example:

Here, the owner of the car declares that he can't wait till January 20th, 2009, the last day of Bush in office. But this other one I think is fantastic:

If you are one of the four people in the world who still don't know, Voldemort is the ultimate evil guy in the Harry Potter books. So, first this sticker causes a smile, since it is using this fictional character in a political context. But the real message is that if Voldemort were real, he'd be a Republican, and this kind of means that all Republicans are evil. Can't do a much better job in just three words.