English version

This is the text-only English version of the Spanish blog Noches de Harlem. To see pictures and other multimedia files, and to leave comments, please go to the Spanish version.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Boeing 757 Bonds

Bonds (see my previous post) has decided I am not to see his nome runs. A few hours after my post he hit 755, and on Tuesday, also a few hours before I landed in the US, number 756. And on Wednesday, while I was sleeping all jet lagged, number 757. Looks like a Boeing plane.

Yet again, I wouldn't have been able to see them because I still don't have a TV. I want to get one today, I am planning to get a TV tuner for my computer. My triangular apartment has cable TV, with my favorite channel (ESPN). Let's see how it works. Can't wait to see SportsCenter, [ta-da-da ta-da-da].