English version

This is the text-only English version of the Spanish blog Noches de Harlem. To see pictures and other multimedia files, and to leave comments, please go to the Spanish version.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The heading picture

The picture in the heading of the blog, just under the name "noches de Harlem" [in the Spanish version] is part of a picture I took the first time I visited New York, in February 1992. It's taken from South to North, from one of the vanished World Trade Center Towers, where you can see the other tower and the Manhattan skyline. Harlem is farther North. I love this picture, especially with the grey sky. Right in the middle you can see the Empire State Building, and right next to it you see Fifth Avenue. Tomorrow I will be able to take a walk on it...

It's a scan of a paper picture (yes, that old fashioned thing we used to do). I don't have the paper original, it probably got thrown away in one of my monster cleanings, probably during a move.