English version

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Harry Potter 7

Helping to endure the long wait, I just finished the seventh book in the Harry Potter saga. I must say that this series has something magic (pun totally intended), because it grabs you and doesn't let you go till the end. This book starts slow, the first adventures seemed boring to me, but at some point the action takes a fast pace, sustained until the end. Harry's fans will enjoy it as usual, and those of you who aren't fans, what are you waiting for?


(highlight with your mouse to read them)

As I was saying, I got bored at the beginning, with Harry and co. traveling from one place to another in their tent, without seeing anyone. But starting at their capture at Malfoy Manor, and then the break-in at Gringotts, Dumbledore's brother's house and the final battle, the thundering action doesn't let you go for a minute. As usual, great fireworks and endings worth of Ms. Rowling. Who wants to bet with me for new books with the adventures of Harry's kids at Hogwarts? She said she wouldn't write any more Harry's stories, but she didn't say anything about his kids, and Ron and Hermione's kids, and Draco's kids. After all, a millionaire has to keep earning her millions, she is not likely to stay put without writing anything else...

By the way. What was all the hubbub with the death of characters? I know some people die, but Dobby? Fred? Tonks? Give me a break! I resent the happy ending, one of the three main kids should have died. J.K., you're now officially a wimp. You need to go to the George R.R. Martin school of killing characters. Then we'd see real deaths, and not this.