English version

This is the text-only English version of the Spanish blog Noches de Harlem. To see pictures and other multimedia files, and to leave comments, please go to the Spanish version.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Time zones

Just a little post about the time zone. The blog will post a time on a particular time zone, so I decided to leave the blog time in Spanish time. However, when I mention the time in the blog, it will be always my time, and I want to avoid at all cost that stupid "it's 8:00 New York time, which is 14:00 in Spain".

So you'll see that in this post, which I write about 7:45 am New York time [about 8:00am for the English version], the blog will show 13:45 [14:00 here]. It will be always like this, blog time is Spanish time, and the one I mention is New York time.

[Also, I have decided to put inside brackets and in smaller font all the text that is exclusive of the English version, so as to distinguish it from the rest.]